This site is dedicated to the life and works of Essie Summers, one of the world's most loved writers of romance novels. I decided to create this site because I couldn't find anything like it while looking for information about Essie Summers. I felt she deserved a site of her own! Here I intend to have a chronology, an annotated bibliogaphy, a brief biography, some of her poetry, recipes from her books, favorite quotes, links to other interesting sites and information on the settings for her books. Check the links above to see how I'm doing so far.
Oh, yes, don't forget to sign my guest book.
There will be tides swift-surging to this shore,
There will be wattle bright against this hill,
When I am gone from sight and sound of these,
And all the voices I have loved are still;
These Canterbury Plains will lie beneath
The watchful circle of the Cashmere Hills,
And sunsets flame and fade above the Alps
Where now the west'ring sun his magic spills;
Then, other feet will travel on these roads,
These witching ways that I have loved so long,
That wind about the over-harbour hills
And stir my gypsy heart to eager song
And just as I dream now of other days,
Of ships safe-harboured after months a-sail,
Of women, cloaked and bonneted, who climbed
The Bridle-Path, their raw, new world to hail;
So now I ask that you who then will know
Those nor-west skies, this opalescent sea,
Will smile across a century of time
And reading this, greet, and remember me!
Essie Summers
Christchurch Star, 1949